Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hair Removal Methods: Spotlight on Shaving to Remove Body Hair

Women always wanted to remove the excess hair in the body. This desire usually starts during the adolescence stage and even continues even until the day you die.

Women, and even men, intend to have the hair in the scalp be the only hair visible in their whole body. Hence, the hair in the face, armpits, legs, bikini line, or any other body parts must be removed. With hair removal, there is great emphasis on hairless but smooth skin.

In this blog, we will discuss the many available options available to remove unwanted hair in the body ranging from short-term solutions to permanent hair removal techniques. To give you an overview, the following methods include from shaving to newer techniques like laser, electrolysis, Vaniqa, creams, and others modern ways.

The choice with the technique however depends on personal preference, budget, availability of time, skin type, and other factors. Let us start with the shaving technique as a hair removal method.

Shaving as a Hair Removal Method

Shaving is perhaps the cheapest yet the most short-term method of hair removal. This is because it just simply cuts the hair off at the surface of the skin. Contrary to popular belief, however, shaving does not make the hair shaft darker or thicker. In addition, it does not also make the hair grow faster or slower. You only find that the hair shaft may seem to be more noticeable as it starts to grow again because the tip is a bit blunt compared to the original hair.

As a tip, shaving should be done religiously and should be done with care. If you need to do this method, apply moisturizer to the skin before you shave to allow the razor to glide smoothly over the skin. This will minimize the possible cuts from shaving. If you do not have traditional moisturizers like shaving creams, you can also try hair conditioner or body wash for the purpose.

If you want an alternative to shaving, you can try this free trial (FOR US AND CANADA ONLY):


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